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Karapella: Transforming Your Favorite Songs with AI into Enhanced Karaoke, Playback, and Acapella

What Audio Elements Would You Like to Isolate?

simply input the link and we will take care of the rest.

My files

Attention! The files will be saved and available for download on the website for only 24 hours.
Availability File Name Status Action Play

Step by Step: How it all works
You don't need to have any knowledge of missile science - simply upload your file and we'll take care of the rest.

Step 1: Upload any song to Karapella

Karapella is a music platform powered by AI tools that allows users to upload any MP3 song and automatically extract its acapella and playback. Our platform uses advanced technology to break down songs into their individual components, so users can create the perfect karaoke track. All you have to do is upload the song of your choice, and we'll take care of the rest.

Step 2: Instant Acapella and Playback Creation

Immediately after uploading the file and selecting the language if you chose to create karaoke, the analysis process will begin immediately and you'll receive a 60-second preview of the results. Karapella makes creating acapella and instant playback for any song easy. Our AI-powered tool quickly analyzes the uploaded MP3 and automatically separates it into the vocal track and the playback. Within seconds, users can hear a sample of the acapella and playback of the uploaded song.

Step 3: Prepare Full Acapella and Playback Files

To receive the full acapella and playback for the uploaded song, you need to click the "Prepare Files" button that appears only when the preview of the playback and acapella is ready. This action will create a full version of the acapella and playback, so users can enjoy the complete song in karaoke form. With Karapella, you can easily turn any song into a karaoke track with just a few clicks.

Step 4: Generate Lyrics for the Karaoke Track

The site will generate lyrics for the karaoke track using the leading AI technology. However, it's important to note that the AI is not perfect and may make some mistakes, especially if the singer mumbles or is unclear for some reason. Therefore, before you start, make sure to set the language of the song to improve the accuracy of the lyrics. But don't worry, even if the AI makes a mistake, it's all part of the fun, right? After all, who needs professional karaoke lyrics when you can have funny, inaccurate AI lyrics?

Don't say you weren't warned!

Are you in a rush? Too bad! The file analysis will take a few seconds, depending on the file size. So patience is part of the process.
A preview of the playback and loading will take at least 20 seconds up to a full minute. But wait, it gets better! If you want the complete files to be generated, be prepared to wait a minute or two. And if you lose your patience and interrupt the process, you'll lose everything and have to start over.

Questions and Answers

What is Karapella?

Karapella is a website that uses AI tools to create karaoke, playback, and acapella files from any song you feed it. The artificial intelligence tool can also generate lyrics for the karaoke section of the website, making it the perfect and highest quality tool for creating playback, acapella, and karaoke videos.

How does Karapella work?

Karapella uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze and interpret the audio of each song. It then separates the vocals from the instrumental tracks, creating three files: a playback file, an acapella file, and an instrumental file. Once this process is complete, you can ask the AI to generate lyrics for the song, make any necessary corrections, and then create a video of the playback with the lyrics.

Can I download the files generated by Karapella?

Yes, it is possible to download the files created by Karapella. All files are available for 24 hours from the time of creation on the website for download in the "My Files" section. Therefore, it is important to download your files as soon as they are ready. We will also send you an email with the download links as soon as they are available.

Which types of files are available for download?

Karapella creates three types of files: an mp3 file for the playback, an mp3 file for the vocals, and an mp4 file for the karaoke video.

Can Karapella be used to create a karaoke version for any song?

Yes, it is possible to use Karapella to create karaoke for any song. The artificial intelligence tool can analyze and interpret the audio of any song and create the necessary files.

What are the limitations for uploading files and links on a website?

The limitations for uploading files and links on the website are as follows:
The length of a YouTube link cannot exceed 10 minutes.
File uploads are restricted to a size of 20MB and must be in MP3 or WAV format.
Uploaded files cannot be longer than 10 minutes.

What is the audio quality of the generated files?

The quality of the files produced depends on the quality of the incoming audio (the file/link you provided). Karapella utilizes advanced AI algorithms to analyze and interpret the audio without compromising the elements in the song.

How long does the process of creating files take?

Once the file/link is entered into the system, the preview will be ready within an average of one minute. During the process of preparing the full files, this action may take a few minutes, with an average duration of 2 minutes. Please refrain from closing or refreshing the website during the preparation process, as this may lead to a loss of progress. The process of preparing a karaoke video may take several minutes, but once it begins, you are free to close/exit the website, and we will update you via email with a link for downloading when it is ready. Additionally, any file you create will always be available in the 'My Files' area for 24 hours from the time of creation.

Can Karapella be used for free?

Karapella allows you to preview the first 60 seconds of the files you provided for free. However, creating full files and rendering videos will be deducted from your minutes balance.

How is the charge calculated for each file?

The length of the song you upload will exactly subtract from your remaining balance when creating the full files. For example, if your balance is 30:00 minutes and you create full files of a 3-minute song, your balance will be reduced by only 3 minutes. Afterward, your remaining balance will be 27:00 according to this example. In return, you will always receive 2 files, the playback and the instrumental files. Creating a karaoke video is a separate action and takes an additional 2 minutes. Previewing the first 60 seconds is always free.

Is creating a karaoke video free of charge?

No. After you have created full files, you can generate lyrics for the song you uploaded. Only after the lyrics are ready, you can click "create video". Regardless of the length of the song, the cost of creating the video will always be two minutes, regardless of the length of the song you have chosen.

The words are not accurate, can they be corrected?

Yes. The words were written using AI that listens to the song only once, and sometimes the singer is unclear due to effects on their voice or unclear pronunciation. Therefore, we created an option to edit the text. By simply clicking on the words, you can edit and save changes to any text displayed in the song.

Do I need editing knowledge to create a karaoke in Karapella?

Absolutely not! All you need to do is provide a YouTube link to the song you want or an mp3 file that you have on your computer, and Karapella will do the rest. As for fixing the lyrics, simply click on the words you want to edit and save your changes. It is recommended to go through the tutorial to understand more.

I'm not interested in karaoke video, I'm only here for the audio files and playback. Can i prepare only the audio files?

Yes, Creating lyrics and making a karaoke video are additional options that can only be done after the audio and playback files have been completed.

Tips and guides

Choosing a high-quality YouTube link.


When searching for the highest quality version of a song on YouTube, it is recommended to try to find the original version with the highest number of views. This is because the original version usually has the best sound quality, and the high number of views indicates that it is a popular and beloved version.

To find the original version with the most views, you can use filters on YouTube. First, search for the song you'\re interested in. Then, click on the "filter" button below the search bar. From there, select "sort by" and choose "number of views" to see the videos with the most views at the top of your search results.

How to fix karaoke lyrics


In order to edit text in the Karaoke area, simply click on the text block that you want to edit, make the necessary corrections, and then save the changes by clicking on the "Save Changes" button. Make sure that the text is correct throughout the entire song before creating the video.
Here is a short video that demonstrates the process.

6 Tips for Creating a Professional Karaoke


Sing together with the karaoke and the lyrics to identify mistakes in the text.

If a text block appears out of sync with the playback,
delete the text and keep the block empty.
Make sure there is a block in the correct timing after the empty block.
(An empty block will show a small square, which will not be displayed in the video).

Remove punctuation marks from the lyrics for better readability during singing.
Alternatively, divide the text into verses.
Sometimes, lyrics may appear in the same block with delayed timing, so a comma or period will help to understand this during singing.

Before creating the video, listen to the song with the lyrics several times to ensure accurate and easy-to-follow timing and text.

It is okay to delete a block and enter all its text into the adjacent blocks according to the lyrics.

Before creating the video and after making the necessary text corrections, have another person sing along with the lyrics and observe their reaction.
This will expose you to more accuracy in the text correction, the need for punctuation marks, and perhaps the need to shorten or split the text with adjacent blocks.